Ayurveda Wellness Consulting and Mentoring
There comes a time when one goes through a significant life shift. Be it a loss of a loved one, seasonal transitions, severe illness, mental fatigue, trauma, or a change in environmental health. All of these circumstances contribute to an imbalance within one’s physiology and lead to disorder and disease. This may be something you have been working through or silently suffering with for some time and need more than talk therapy, or other practices to help you navigate what lies beneath.
As an Ayurvedic consultant, yoga practitioner, and holistic health care provider and educator, I utilize the fundamental principles of Ayurveda to re-establish balance, treat, eliminate, and prevent disorder and disease by providing an Ayurvedic consultation assessment based on various aspects of your current and past physical examination, diet and nutrition, pulse diagnosis (if able), individual body constitution, mindset, intentions, lifestyle, routines, and state of being. I work with your medical practitioner recommendations and support enhancing what will benefit you as an individual.
Together, we will form a consciousness-based and holistic Ayurvedic well-being program to empower you to show up and take responsibility for your health and live your best life.
Based on your assessment, I will:
Make diet and lifestyle recommendations based on your individual constitution from the Ayurvedic principles
Recommend Dinacharya (Daily routine) practices or modifications to your routine
Suggest yoga asanas / Pranayama include into your daily routine based on Prakriti (your unique dosha constitution)
Recommend diet and nutritional modifications or enhancements
Recommend Herbs based on the individual constitution
Recommend Ayurvedic therapies to support the intention of your health
***Please note that Ayurvedic Consultants are not medical doctors or Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctors) and will not “diagnose” or “treat” any disease, symptom, or condition. Ayurvedic consultation services or any other services are not “medical treatments” and are not intended to replace standard medical care. Ayurvedic recommendations are made to restore balance and enliven the inner intelligence in the primary energies of an individual’s body.
If you are ready to take this step in transforming your life and are tired of being at your “wit’s end,” then click the link here to schedule your free 60minute consultation to see if Ayurvedic Wellness Consulting and Mentoring is the right fit for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Please download the “Consultation Acknowledgement and Agreement” pdf below. Use Docusign to fill out and submit to jaibhaktiyoga@gmail.com prior to your consultation.