Doshas - Vata, Pitta, & Kapha
The Doshas are composed of two main elements each. The image above is from MIU Ayurveda Program. The Doshas each have various governors that they represent. Vata is responsible for transportation, communication, and movement. Pitta is responsible for metabolic processes, digestive fire, and transformation. Kapha dosha is responsible for lubrication, cohesion, and structure. They are working together to form the human physiological system and have respective areas within the body that they also contribute towards.
In our Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training, we dive deep into this system. These doshas, when stable, will generate a healthy constitution. Each of these doshas is also governed by respective qualities known as gunas. These gunas are different from the gunas we learn in yoga. However, slightly similar in their respective qualities of the yogic gunas. The Ayurvedic gunas are as follows:
Vata: Light, dry, coarse, cold, rough, subtle, irregular, and mobile
Pitta: Light, hot, sharp, oily, mobile, active, quick, liquid
Kapha: Heavy, cold, moist, dull, soft, sticky, and static