Transition from Ambition to Meaning

Wyasan Vidya Guna, Bedulu, Bali, Indonesia

It's time to feel good about what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for.

It's time to take your power back!

"If you are a success, then who cares what is motivating you? What is your definition of success anyway? There is a part of me that is so much more." Dr.Dyer from the Movie the Shift. Watch it here and let it inspire or even transform your life.  (a bonus gift from my heart to yours)

Here I open up with an emotional excerpt from my personal journal...

In relation, Dr. Dyer was writing books about psychology, abundance, spirituality, and so on, but inside of him, he was feeling something else. A calling. He could feel "the shift" taking place in himself just as I am feeling that "shift" within mySelf. 

    I create online courses, blogs, talk on podcasts, educate, and inspire others about Yoga, Ayurveda, and Spirituality but I sense there is so much more expansiveness happening inside of me. I can see a powerful shift taking place in my life that I can not explain in words but through action leading me in the direction of an intense spiritual awakening, similar to that of Radhanath Swami (author of The Journey Home)Deepak Chopra, and Mother Teresa

     I can remember the "quantum moment" of this "Shift" happening and the insatiable amount of fear that came along with it. It was in a blink of an eye that I lost everything I ever cared about in less than 30seconds along with almost losing the very business I poured my entire soul into for the people that I had created it for. I remember driving over 12 hours to my brother in Dallas and later to my sister in El Paso with a mixture of emotions that my brother Illi guided me through for the entire journey. Upon my return, I lost the car that supported my journey across the states and found myself hiding behind a smile for all to see while dying inside secretly wanting to give up in a 10x10 spare room a friend let me stay in. I had no money, no home, no car, no one, but mySelf to sit with and wonder, "What the fuck am I doing with myself? What is the meaning behind why I even do what I do? Does anyone even truly care? Is it even worth it anymore?"

Alone in my own pity party, I sat, while the world continued to move along, I hid my hurts well and continued to teach yoga, act as though everything is fine, and fake my way through enjoying the festivities of Halloween and Voodoo fest, mostly alone. I was lost, lonely, depressed, and felt like a fake teacher or an imposter on automatic. I was unable to fully "show up" for anyone, not even myself. I simply wanted to give up.

Then something happened. I had a moment of clarity that was so profound I could not understand where or how it manifested. "IT" kept pulling at me, telling me that this is the very pain you need to evolve into what you will become. I had to ask, "What the hell am I becoming?" There was no answer. 

"You get to a place in your life where you are guided by Source." - Dr. Dyer

And that's when the answer came. God speaks to you in a whisper, not by yelling. He answers when you are still. In the depths of my TM meditation, it came to me. 

I wasn't motivated by money, or whether or not other people wanted to still invest in my business or me, or whether or not they were going to purchase my teacher training or other offerings. Like Dr. D said, "those became external factors." I recognized that just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, well... it did.

I lost my mom. 

My whole world came crashing down. This was evidently the MOMent I needed to be propelled forward. To release my anguish and control and to not live by my own understanding but to allow myself to be open, flexible, and guided by Source. This was the unexpected detour, the second "quantum moment" that redirected the course of my destiny. 

I realized that these moments are the very enriching manifestations that transformed what I once thought was my purpose into what truly is. To be the vessel to navigate not just myself into my SELF, but to allow others to be the lighthouse for themselves and by providing the tools and guidance from my very own experience. When I say "I feel you," I genuinely do. I entered into a light that took over everything, and to this day I still think the angel of this light is my mom. Hence why I renamed the Grant program De Los Angeles, her middle name meaning "of the angels." 

Through these incredibly powerful life transitions in such a short time, I rediscovered who I was, what I am, and what I am here to do for this short time on earth. I don't just "teach yoga", I am yoga. I am the unity of God, Mind, Body, and Soul. I am here to teach YOU how to invoke your innate nature and I am here to leave a legacy that will continue to enrich, empower and translate whatever you feel is clouding your vision into the clarity that manifested for me. 

Sat Chit Ananda - I AM That, That I AM.  

"Stop interfering with the natural progression of the unfolding of your life." -Dr.Dyer

My 11th Gift to Anyone that wishes to accept it, and for those of you that have made it this far, is a Free 60mins mentoring session to connect with me about anything holding you back from reaching your soul potential. I am here to help you, help yourself to take conscious accountable action with resources and tools so you can elevate yourself into your greatness. How are you showing up in your life and what steps do you need in order to turn yourself around? 

I will promise you this. It is NOT going to be easy, but YOU ARE WORTH IT. 
If you are ready for this year to be your year, then you claim it and take your power back.  I am ready to meet you where you are and be there with you each step of the way.

It is my passion, purpose, and pleasure to be a part of your life journey and support you in navigating the waters of your divine destiny revealing to you the true abundance that lives within. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight."
- Proverbs 3:5-6

Register here for the full mentorship program.

Below are the Freebies and Gifts JBYF and I are so grateful to share with you. 
Feel free to share this and any JBYF email, blog, or podcast with those you feel will benefit from these gifts and emails. 

With all my love   - 
Christina Andrini 

Donation of Love Here to JBYF

We hope that you benefitted from our free-of-charge programs and services, for which a group of expert yoga teachers, ayurvedic clinicians, practitioners, consultants, and holistic wellness leaders volunteered their time and creative effort to support you so you can live your best healthy life. Continued electronic implementation, programming, and education require considerable expense to sustain online at little to no cost for you and the community. Will you Please consider giving to JBYF in acknowledgment of this professional contribution? 

Thank you very much and live well. 


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