Ep:33 Spices of Life, Ayurveda's 4 Spices of Life.
Here we go through the 4 Spices used in Ayurveda that are staples to have in your kitchen to nurture your own roots. These 4 spices enhance the individual Prakriti and restore balance within moderate use for each dosha. Use each of them how you need to, in order to enliven the vitality of your life. Head over to the JBY Blog and take a peak at some recipes we have for you. Join our Free Resource Library and Membership for more info.
Ep:31 Ayurvedic Dinacharya and Ritucharya for The Doshas Based On The Seasons. Discover Ways To Balance Your Doshas When the Seasons of Life Come.
Balancing our digestion through Ayurvedic practices based on the seasons throughout the years, understanding our daily routines, our personal time, and how we enliven our inner intelligence. Learning how to establish balance throughout your day for proper digestion. Join our Free Membership to take the Free Dohsa quiz to know what dosha you are and learn more about Ayurveda.
Ep:30 The Art of Healing Your Heart: Human Doings vs Human Beings: Being Human During Turbulent Times
We get so caught up in the cycle of doing that we forget the importance of just being. Pulling ourselves away from the computer because of working remotely, teaching remotely, and attending school remotely, although is meant to simplify our lives, has also become an incredibly powerful addiction.
Ep:29 Embracing Loneliness. Overcoming the Fear of Loneliness
Healing Your Heart and what’s most important is understanding how to sustain our boundaries and invite times to pause, rest, and explore, while being comfortable alone. loneliness is the fear of looking in the mirror and being comfortable with all your perfect imperfections. It is facing the truth of who you are and finding acceptance within awakening into your wholeness.
Have you ever wondered why every time you misplace something and you are going nuts looking for it you can never find it, and then, when you aren’t looking for it, it shows up? Join us in today's episode to discover the art of embracing loneliness.
Ep:28 The Art of Healing Your Heart: Working Through Grief. The Alchemy of the Heart, working through the symptoms of Broken Heat Syndrome, overcoming the Grieving process.
Waves of grief that come large and small. Moments of stillness, joy, and despair.
Memories that plague the mind and the cycles of the shadow that is cast with no face.
Grief is each person's way of processing deep loss, and also a season, a personal winter of hurt that never truly goes away.
It is what we “grow” through and how we slowly take moments to heal. No one outside can provide that for you, it is the time of human purification through such loss that burns. It impacts every aspect of our health.
Ep:27 The Art of Healing Your Heart. Working through the Quantum Shifts of Life.
Discover what it means to understand the true nature of Self Love. There are times when one may get caught up in the mirage of our thoughts. The elusive mystery of how to maintain a relationship with another knowing that what is shared is not good for our well-being. Only adding to the hallowed space in the mind and spirit that can at times be indescribable. In this episode, I open up about my personal journey and how the methods I used to work through Pragya Apardh the ignorance of the intellect.
Ep:26 Limits Unbound Podcast: EP.5 of Mind Muscle Compassion Diet: Not just our Food
Sensory perception is key to discovering one's equilibrium. The culmination of mind-body-spirit consciousness is the embodiment of Atman or the highest self. In this journey, we discuss the methods that inspire these experiences and ways how to manage growth through them. What we see on the outside, deeply affects what is happening on the inside. Discover how in this episode.
Ep:25 Limits Unbound Podcast : EP.4 If Mind Muscle Compassion's The Union of Mind, Body, and Spirit Guest feature
We partner together on this special guest podcast to discuss the importance of how yoga nourishes the mind-body system and share some quick tips on how to get started no matter where you are on your yoga or soon-to-be, yoga journey. We answer audience questions and enjoy a truly interactive and consciousness-based approach to our experiences with the yoga asana practice.
EP: 24 Dinacharya and Ritucharya of Ayurveda. Creating Healthy Routines for Wellness and Immunity Boosting
Over time it becomes a natural part of our day to incorporate these modalities into our morning and evening rituals. It is important to know that Dinacharya and Ritucharya are practiced based on the seasons and the dosha imbalance. Utilizing Ayurveda gives you the proper clarity to discover your purpose (dharma) and guide yourself on the journey that you are created for while removing or eliminating blockages. Head over to the jbyfnola.org site to take the dosha quiz and receive your balancing yoga sequences, suggestions, and techniques to get you back on track.
Ep:23 Ayurveda, The Fire of Your Life. Understanding Doshic Agnis.
Responsible for the digestion, metabolism, and conversion of food from the outside in. The 4 Aginis we go over are Manda, Vishama, Tikshna, and Sama Agnis. We explore each of these in our educational talks of Ayurveda via the podcast this week and over on the website go and take the dosha quiz, grab the ama assessment off the blog, use the digestive teas, and grab the Ayurveda Diet workbook to track your digestion and wellness journey. Lots to share, so come with a pen, paper, and ready to learn!
Ep:22 Ayurveda, A Natural Way to Restore Health and Well-Being. Natural Methods to Boost Immunity based on the Dosha Constitutions.
All diets are welcome as everyone has their unique compositions and needs different methods to support their immunity. In this episode, I share information and resources, along with a Diet and Nutrition Ayurvedic Workbook for you to sustain optimal health during a season of illness and disease. The tools, insights, and methods I provide will help you establish remedies to support you along your healing journey. Visit the Jbyfnola.org website to download your own workbook and toolkit.
Ep:21 Ayurveda Remedies to Fight COVID-19. Overcoming COVID -19 Naturally
Tips, tricks, and techniques along with resources and remedies to help you combat the COVID-19 and Flu seasons. I had COVID-19 and used the remedies I share in this podcast to heal myself. Be sure to visit the jbyfnola.org website for the DIet and Nutrition Ayurveda workbook I created when you join the email list and take your dosha quiz. The Jai Bhakti Blog also has the workbook accessible so you can begin your wellness journey straight away.
Ep:20 How to Read the 20 Gunas of Ayurveda. A Quick Guide to understanding the qualities of the Doshas and the imbalances they bring.
The 20 gunas are the 20 coupled qualities that balance each other out. They utilize the practice of Samana and Vishesh (the principles of Like increases like and opposite my increase or decrease the other). This is a best practice for all constitutions to understand as you are on your journey through Ayurveda, and possibly Nadi Vigyan also known as Reading the Pulse. Let's start small and grow into our greatness.
Ep:19 Understanding Ayurvedic Doshic Constitutions and their Imbalances. How to Restore Balance when your Doshas are Imbalanced.
Now let’s nurture the understanding of the imbalances of the doshas, and how to re-establish balance and self-awareness through a consciousness-based approach through Ayurveda. Understanding the imbalances provides insight into the areas of our lives that are seeking attention to nurture and develop. If you have taken the Dosha Quiz and assessment on our website (jbyfnola.org), then you are a step ahead of the game and have an understanding of how the doshas function, operate, and where you stand. Keep in mind, this is purely superficial, as there are many layers to reveal within yourself. Let's discuss restoring balance in your life.
Ep:18 Ayurveda Doshas Explained, Discovering the 3 little Ayurvedic Doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
As you expand your knowledge of Ayurveda, it is important to understand each Dosha in their wholeness. Learning about their qualities (gunas) is essential to one's evolution of health and well-being. Simply learning the principles provides insight into how we react and respond to the changing season of life. Let's explore the Doshas on a deeper level and apply how maintaining balance will attribute to improved health and well-being. If you haven't done so already, take the Free Dosha Quiz and assessment on the jbyfnola.org website to get a headstart.
Ep:17 Understanding Ayurvedic Doshic Constitutions. Enlivening the Inner Intelligence by Understanding Who We Are
Understanding Who We Are may be an abstract statement. However, with the knowledge of Ayurveda, we are able to come full circle and learn the qualities of the doshas that break down the various aspects of oneself. Use this knowledge, along with the Free Dosha Quiz and assessment on the JBYFNOLA.ORG website, to better understand who you are and why you are the way you are. By ascertaining this knowledge, you begin to embody what Ayurveda calls the enlivening the inner intelligence. Listen and learn more.
Ep:16 What is Ayurveda and Why is it the New Craze?
Here we educate you on what Ayurveda is and why it has begun to come to the forefront of modern medicine. We discuss the doshas and educate on the basics of how knowing your dosha can genuinely save your life. Use this next series of podcasts, as a resource on how to empower yourself to take control of your health and well-being.
Ep:15 Generating Abundance Through Conscious Intention: Seeds of Growth, Outer depends on Inner With Guest Illi Stovall
Taking action is the physical aspect of making conscious decisions that will navigate your investments. When you begin to put this action into place with the incredible amount of trust you have in knowing that God is leading you every step of the way, then you don’t believe the “FUD.” (a term we come to learn in the world of the crypto)
Ep:14 Generating Abundance Through Conscious Intention: As You Think So Shall You Be. Planting the Seeds of the Eternal.
Abundance begins with recognizing what you already have and ways in which you are able to generate more of it. Be it love, intellect, friendship, kindness, finances, etc. Once you get yourself into alignment Spiritually, (one of the hardest to accomplish as it brings lots of inner Self Work and growth), your mind begins to Shift into higher states of responses instead of reactions.
Ep:13 Generating Abundance Through Conscious Intention.
The EGO is what edges God out.
It’s the part of us that as Dr.Wayne Dyer says “tells us who we are by what we have. The more you have, the more you feel others are trying to take it away from you. So many spend so much time striving that they never get to arrive.”
This is illustrated as going against the current of life.