Seasons of Change

As we enter into another season, we notice the changes in and around us. The temperature is cooler, traditions return, and the spirit of the holidays is upon us.

With that, will come a flood of emotions that have been suppressed for some time, to be awakened or triggered when visiting with family. Like most LatinX and Hispanic families, there tend to be deep family secrets and emotions that ignite the deepest of flames. Wounds open, and others heal.

In the midst of these changing seasons, still beneath the surface are the grudges and the gossip that develops a distrust in being able to share your hurts and pains without being crossed in return.

Having to bottle it all up inside leads to stress, strain, worry, mental health, and cardiovascular issues.

Tatiana Gonazalez, State Advocacy Director of NAMI, reminds us about the stigma of mental health and the two main points from last week’s discussion that people felt closely related to.

Listen here (and join us live for the following 2 Mondays on IGTV LIVE @jaibhaktiyoga

Cultural Competence and Stigma push the LatinX and Hispanic communities beyond limits. At times culturing “workaholicism” and “persevering through the pain.”

One cannot just “pray their way” out of a situation, one has to “take action,” and do the work to help themselves. “God helps those who help themselves.”

At times, one can be held back from growth because of Fear or discrimination, and find it hard to advocate for oneself. Tatiana reminds us to “thrive in our own Being.”

Getting caught up in the idea of what success is, will only drive one to the point of stress and imbalance.

Tatiana asks this question to all of us,

“Is it really success if we are not really well?”

When was the last time you had a moment to “check-in” with yourself and discover where you are in this moment? We may be distracted by many things, but it is important to remember that your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness, is all a part of how you respond to what you take in from around you.

The wall of resilience can only hold so much power before it starts to erode and crumble away. - Christina Andrini

Here are some resources to help you along your healing journey.


Jai Bhakti Yoga Online and Immersion -Based Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Training

Latinx Therapy:

The American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry:

NAMI’s Compartiendo Esperanza:

NAMI Page:

NAMI Louisiana:

225-291-6262 or

Mental Health America:

We hope that you benefitted from our free-of-charge programs and services, for which a group of expert yoga teachers, ayurvedic clinicians, practitioners, consultants, and holistic wellness leaders volunteered their time and creative effort to support you so you can live your best healthy life. Continued electronic implementation, programming, and education require considerable expense to sustain online at little to no cost for you and the community. Will you Please consider giving to JBYF in acknowledgment of this professional contribution? 

Thank you very much and live well. 


Cultural Barriers How to talk about Mental Health with Loved Ones… Knowing when to say, “I love myself enough to..”


Compartiendo Esperanza: Focusing on Spanish Heritage and Cultural Paradigms with special guest Tatiana Gonzalez Advocacy and State Program Director of NAMI