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Join NowChandra Full-moon Chair Yoga Beginner Flow 40min
Chair Yoga Moon Salutation for beginners or for those working with balance and various abilities. Chair yoga makes yoga accessible to anybody anywhere.
The moon salutations are intended to celebrate the moon’s phases. Each pose is a representation of the energy of each phase of the moon and once completed in one cycle represents the full moons rising and descending phases.
Moon salutations, also known as Chandra cycles, are completed 9 times.
Chandra Salutations are a great way to practice the art of yoga asana and are perfect for beginners. Check out our Sun Salutations videos that celebrate the sun in both Sun A (Surya A) and Sun B (Surya B) sequences.
Chair Yoga 6 Poses Of the Sun (Surya namaskar) A Salute 3min