Ep:21 Ayurveda Remedies to Fight COVID-19. Overcoming COVID -19 Naturally


Tips, tricks, and techniques along with resources and remedies to help you combat the COVID-19 and Flu seasons. I had COVID-19 and used the remedies I share in this podcast to heal myself. Be sure to visit the jbyfnola.org website for the DIet and Nutrition Ayurveda workbook I created when you join the email list and take your dosha quiz. The Jai Bhakti Blog also has the workbook accessible so you can begin your wellness journey straight away.


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Ep:22 Ayurveda, A Natural Way to Restore Health and Well-Being. Natural Methods to Boost Immunity based on the Dosha Constitutions.


Ep:20 How to Read the 20 Gunas of Ayurveda. A Quick Guide to understanding the qualities of the Doshas and the imbalances they bring.