As You Think So Shall You Be, Planting the Seeds of the Eternal

Our thoughts are like seeds. What seeds will you plant?

There have been numerous occasions that we get tangled in the roots of our emotional discomforts. Only to find comfort in the cycles that prevent us from expansion and growth because we are comfortable in the discomfort. 

Ironic isn’t it? 

Lao Tzu said it best, “Change your thoughts, change your life.” 

Easier said than done, I completely understand. However, abundance begins with recognizing what you already have and ways in which you are able to generate more of it. Be it love, intellect, friendship, kindness, finances, etc. Once you get yourself into alignment Spiritually, (one of the hardest to accomplish as it brings lots of inner Self Work and growth), your mind begins to Shift into higher states of responses instead of reactions. 

Last week, we had the gift of learning the shifting process of our intellect through the mental connection of attaining Spiritual growth which leads to abundance in a natural progression. Illi Stovall guided us through a meditation at the end of our chat that nourishes the empowerment we already have within. 

Getting ourselves into alignment spiritually and mentally supports how we navigate the waters of our life that bring with it, waves of emotions. When we attempt to do everything in our own strength, we fall short of arriving, because we are constantly striving to reach something more. All the while, allowing the EGO to take over. Dr. Dyer calls this, “Edging God Out.”

Dr. Dyer says that “what was once great in the morning will be little in the evening. And what in the morning was true, in the evening would have become a lie.” Our emotions have a way of manipulating our thoughts into tricking us into a false perception of what truth is. We tend to identify ourselves with others, we redefine what success looks like by what we have versus how we are serving.

The EGO, becomes what I do and what I do = an achievement, and believing what I do, we become obsessed with ideas of success, self-worth, and value of oneself. The human in turn is based upon what I have accomplished which is the EGO. So the mind chatter becomes, “I have to make more money, compete, be #1, be better than, etc… and this competitive nature becomes the sole objective to attaining success (not abundance).” (Dyer).

We get attached to “What others think of me.” The EGO teaches us that we are so separate from GOD because we are working in our own strength. Like paddling upstream, one becomes exhausted until you give up and allow God to take the oar. You notice that at that moment when you just can’t go on anymore, and you finally “give up, or trust God” that all just seems to naturally fall into place. 

Another quote from Lao Tzu mentions that “nature rushes at nothing, and yet everything gets accomplished.” 

When we begin to shift our mental constructs, we begin to appreciate the nature of our unique evolution. The seeds we plant contain the entire tree of which branches out and reaches towards the others in all its glory. We appreciate the beauty of the small seedling, and every step of its growth into greatness and we are not rushing this seed to become a tree, it is growing at its unique pace. Like that, you too are growing at your unique pace and arriving in due time, not YOUR time. 

Abundance begins to flourish when you allow it to flow naturally. Illi speaks about this through his personal story in last week’s episode. When we allow the Divine to shine and ignite the fire of our dharma, our purpose, we begin to feel the power of the sun penetrating through a gloomy day, and allowing the source of our nature to grow through. We are then tapping into the very essence of what we are called for in clarity consciousness. 

T.M, known as transcendental meditation is a gateway to arriving into mental focus, clarity, creativity, and abundance when we take the time to sit with ourselves in the presence of Source. Yoga provides the physical avenue to move the energy of our creativity through the lifeforce (prana) that enlivens the inner intelligence of our wholeness. 

Something we learn from the “afternoon of our lives,” as Dr. Dyer says is “that source is everywhere and in everything. And if the source is in everything, that means it is within me too. There is no place that the source is not. Whatever is missing from your life will come to manifest,” when you take the time to nurture the seeds of the very thoughts that will sprout into your highest good. 

Today, as we prepare ourselves for the week ahead, ask yourself or journal about,

What thoughts can you use to align yourself with the highest good?

Truth is Everything. 

Ask yourself, “Am I clinging on to what was? Or am I Making a conscious decision to nurture the new seedling that will grow into the abundance that is already contained in the seed of life?”

This is a good time to apply your learnings from over the past few weeks to get yourself into the alignment that will nurture your unique constitution and provide the tools to navigate how you will care for the seeds that you sow into your true abundant nature. That, which the Divine has already cultured for you.

Begin with the Dosha Quiz and assessment to discover what your unique make up is and how to get yourself right. Use the classes that are shared in the assessment to support your physical and emotional balance through taking action so you can align your body, mind and spirit.

Another journal prompt to consider is, “Do I see how the foundations of the past affect the present and future?”

When you are able to balance the emotional and physical responses to setbacks, you begin to navigate the innate inner strength that develops the resilience and understanding that is needed in order to handle the incredible abundance that is being prepared for you. Like bamboo, once the seed is planted and the shoots begin to grow, not storm can break it. Bamboo may bend but it will not break. This is a time to acknowledge you are stronger than you realize and more powerful that you think.

You already have abundance in you. Trees grow no matter the weather, and bear incredible fruit when nurtured. Are you willing to go through the ups and downs of the seeds sown to bear the fruit and relish in its sweetness?

Watch the conversation with Illi and Christina here or download the Free Podcast here or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast.

We hope that you benefitted from our free-of-charge programs and services, for which a group of expert yoga teachers, ayurvedic clinicians, practitioners, consultants, and holistic wellness leaders volunteered their time and creative effort to support you so you can live your best healthy life. Continued electronic implementation, programming, and education require considerable expense to sustain online at little to no cost for you and the community. Will you Please consider giving to JBYF in acknowledgment of this professional contribution? 

Thank you very much and live well. 


Breaking Up With 2021, Welcome 2022


Overcoming the EGO With Illi Stovall Mental and Spiritual Abundance