Breaking Up With 2021, Welcome 2022

Image by: @gtropus Keith Francis; Faroe Islands

Out with the old, welcome the New...

“... mindfulness, yoga, and meditation are gifts of collective wisdom distilled from the experiences of countless others who found their way back to the light. At their essence, these tools teach us that we have the power within ourselves to weather whatever life throws our way." - Rachel Slade

It takes discipline to find stillness when we’re uncomfortable. By accepting change, we can find grace in adversity. How you manage during this transition will shape who you will be on the other side of it. Remember that old saying "If I knew then what I know now..."

There is strength in the past. Pain is a fundamental part of life, just as much as pleasure, and that I need to give myself permission to lean into the rage, fear, and hurt, as well as the healing. Like the autumn tree strengthened by a dozen summer storms, we will bend, not break.

2021 was one of our greatest teachers. We lost dearest loved ones, fell in love, broke our hearts, dealt with COVID-19, Delta variant, Omicron, fear, uncertainty, doubt, mental health, incredible storms, hurricanes, and life-shifting transitions, yet still managed to get through all of it and make it to the end of this year wiser, stronger, and more resilient than ever before. 

Making sense of all of this became part of our survival. We developed strong attachments-in tellable emotional bonds with family and friends who, in exchange for our love, shared resources and wisdom with us. "In cultivating these relationships from survival, losing one can feel like the end", Dr. Lisa Gabardi explains.

That’s why, with any major loss, we find ourselves doing and saying things we never, ever imagine we would. Uncoupling is a special kind of loss. The person, place, situation, in fact, are very much the love woven into the fabric of our lives. Give yourself permission to understand that the moment we are in is part of a much longer continuum. There is no up without down. No light without dark. "No triumph without trial", as Illi Stovall says.

Saying things differently, looking through the lens of compassion and breathing into the front of the heart to take in all the new and good energy surrounding you, then exhaling out the back of the heart to release the past and any pain the body may be holding onto is a step in nurturing the process of accepting detachment. Letting go of the year "FUD" (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), that has been holding you back from your highest good.

As we enter into 2022, it is time to take care of Yourself. Elizabeth Rowan, a yoga teacher, cautions that “no yoga posture or soothing music or asana sequence could have fully supported me through the experience of my divorce." She says, “none of that can replace time, process, and sitting with ourselves in our darkness and light."

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says, "Don't fight the darkness, bring the light, and darkness will disappear."

Remember to stay cool, calm, and responsive rather than reactive. Researchers have shown that excessive anxiety inhibits cognition, which includes memory, speech and language, complex perception, orientation, attention, judgment, planning, and decision-making. This impacts physiology and can lead to significant imbalances within the doshas and dhatus (tissues), which contribute to degenerative diseases, heart attacks, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, and suicide.

To combat these ailments, contain the situation without being reactive and allow yourself time to feel your feelings. If you can’t respond calmly, you will only escalate the situation. Recognize when you need your time to ground and make that your priority so you can return in clarity consciousness.
Begin to surrender having to control everything, as this too leads to unnecessary stress. "Do an audit of your life" as Illi says.

What are you grateful for?

With eyes wide shut, we see nothing but a distorted perception of a false reality. It's time to "blame consciously" as Tony Robbins says, and thank this past year for the "blessons" that have come along our path. The people, places, situations, and circumstances, that became our greatest teachers. revealing our weaknesses, strengths, and abundance for growth. No one said it would be easy, but damnit, as I always say, 'it made you stronger than you realize and more powerful than you think.'

I pray you enter 2022 with an abundance mindset of prosperity, health, wealth, and consciousness. Doing what is only progressive, and having the strength to walk away from what no longer is serving your highest good. You are WORTH it.

Love yourSelf enough to know that THIS IS YOUR YEAR!
That you will take your Power Back and excel at anything you nurture and foster.
That you have a tribe that will support and empower you.
That you can and will facilitate the gifts within to rise above the waves of FUD.

I believe in you, and it's time you believe in YOURSELF.

May you have a blessed, abundant, and prosperous New Year.

Below are the Freebies, along with the Tridosha Balancing Yoga Class and Gifts JBYF and I are so grateful to share with you along with the 5 Meditation Links to use every day of the week so you can embrace the root chakra of your life and enter into this new year with an abundance of health to share with your families and friends.

Please respond and tell me how you will take on 2022!!!

Feel free to share this and any JBYF email, blog, or podcast with those you feel need support in the months and year to come.

With all my love -

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2022!!!!!

Christina Andrini

Catch up on the following gifts we have sent out over the last few days:
FREE DOSHA QUIZ and ASSESSMENT  downloadable pdf. that you can use as often as you wish, share with your friends, and discover what your Dosha constitution is.
Vata Balancing Class 
Pitta Balancing Class 
 Kapha Dosha Class 
*  Kapha Dosha Class 
*  becoming an affiliate for the JBYF programs you get a 3% commission on every purchase
7 Day Free Trial JBYF Membership 
* 5 FREE Daily Meditations Playlist
* Tridosha Balancing Class 

Donate to JBYF

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Free Classes on Youtube

Free Dosha Quiz and Assessment

Join the FREE FB LIVE CLASS every Saturday

Free Maharishi Yoga Asana Class on Youtube

Download the Jai Bhakti Yoga Podcast from Spotify

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We hope that you benefitted from our free-of-charge programs and services, for which a group of expert yoga teachers, ayurvedic clinicians, practitioners, consultants, and holistic wellness leaders volunteered their time and creative effort to support you so you can live your best healthy life. Continued electronic implementation, programming, and education require considerable expense to sustain online at little to no cost for you and the community. Will you Please consider giving to JBYF in acknowledgment of this professional contribution? 

Thank you very much and live well. 


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