Generating Abundance Through Conscious Intention:Seeds of Growth, Outer depends on Inner

Arriving in due time, not YOUR time. “Am I clinging on to what was? Or am I Making a conscious decision to nurture the new seedling that will grow into the abundance that is already contained in the seed of life?”

How are we taking conscious action physically and financially to reap the seeds that we sow?

For me, it is applying the principles we have learned over these last few weeks from the Jai Bhakti Yoga Podcast. Getting into alignment spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and now physically and financially. Making sure that I begin my day with gratitude for what I have and preparing myself for what will come and having the mental capacity to handle what abundance brings with it. 

Abundance can change life significantly, and at times, can create ripples that were unexpected. These are all ways in which Source reveals to you the true nature of your behavior and how to appreciate what you have now, so when more is blessed upon you, you will do the right thing, or revert back to conditioned behaviors that will steer you off course. God knows the desires of your heart but wants to ensure you are ready to handle the blessings that are about to come. 

Taking action is the physical aspect of making conscious decisions that will navigate your investments. When you begin to put this action into place with the incredible amount of trust you have in knowing that God is leading you every step of the way, then you don’t believe the “FUD.” (FUD = Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.)

Waves come in all sizes, and like that, so do financial gifts. Where your energy goes so those circumstance grow. Begin to trust the waves that are used to create the freedom you are seeking. This starts by understanding the inner nature and trusting the divine within so you can see the manifestation on the surface level of life. 

Are you being shifted from your path because you are listening to external circumstances, instead of trusting divine intuition?

Getting into alignment of taking action to see the financial fruits of the seeds that are sown takes time. Like any tree, it does not grow overnight, it takes years to reach an age that its roots grow deeper and in turn its trunk stabilizes and the support beams come off as it stands in its own strength.

Our unique composition (known as Prakriti which stems from the combination of our doshic constitution), determines a lot how we see financial abundance. Take the Dosha Quiz and Assessment at to discover your constitution and begin to align yourself in preparation for your blessings.

Below are 3 points in taking action to get your mind, body, and spirit into alignment to support your healthy wealth for sustainable growth through the application of Transcendental Meditation. (An article I wrote for MIU Maharishi International University, August 2021) 

Thriving through TM and a Healthy Daily Routine

8/26/2021 by Christina Andrini

Three most valuable ideas…

  1. Have a positive attitude without forcing yourself and integrate routines to create solutions for the situations we are facing.

  2. TM has been proven to strengthen physiology, give deep rest, and decrease the exposure of infectious diseases.” Dr. Tony Nader (FB LIVE video) This was very powerful for me.

  3. Circadian Rhythms regulate body temperature, the release of hormones, and how you digest your food. Hunger, sleepiness throughout the day, changes in the irregularity of our lives, as Bob Roth mentioned in his podcast Stay Calm with Bob Roth, are “throwing off the circadian rhythms and throwing us off as well.”

Specific ways you can apply this knowledge to nurture your health, success, and fulfillment.

“Waves are good when they are using the power of the ocean.”-  Dr. Tony Nader, (TM reference to the ocean analogy from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.)

Overall, my personal and professional development by integrating the 4 fundamentals of achieving daily progress through Knowledge, Action, Achievement, and Fulfillment through creating a committed calendar around my TM practice, has been a tremendous value of how remaining consistent in the application of this knowledge, truly aligns with the natural progression and order of my life. 

“It is at the same time a state of individual life where every aspect of being is in perfect harmony with divine life and with life in nature,” -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi(p416) explains in his commentary of the Bhagavad Gita. The circadian rhythms are the ebb and flow of the waves of life that one aligns themselves with, and like going against a current in the ocean, it is very difficult to live a balanced and fulfilling professional and personal life when you are fighting yourself along the way. 

In order to be most effective, I find, like the quote above from Dr. Tony Nader, that utilizing the entire ocean of knowledge discovered within the wholeness of my Self, is where I will find the power to not only apply, but to instill and nurture my health, business, and happiness by adhering to healthy routines and choices while being patient with myself, if “life” happens. Like Bob, Roth says in every meditation, “Take it easy, and take it as it comes.”

Make the conscious decision to nurture the seed you sow, and watch it blossom into the abundance only you can create.


Carpenter, Charles, Group 1. 2.3 Discussion: Thriving through TM and a Healthy Daily Routine

(Article/blog How Important Is It to Practice TM Regularly? What the Research Tells Us, BY DAVID ORME-JOHNSON, PH.D.

1.4 Discussion: Applications of Yoga Asanas Video (60 mins) - Group1;

 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. (2001). Science of Being and art of living. New York: Plume Publications. [Original work published 1963] p416

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Thank you very much and live well. 


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