Not only are we as a collective, supporting our community through attending Jazz Fest and raising funds for music and art in New Orleans, but we are also empowering each other to get off the digital platforms, grab some grub, and appreciate life immersed in culture.

On May 2 we are partnering with our friends Crescent City Yoga to participate in our annual Give Nola Day FUNdraiser and Potluck Yoga class.

Our goal this year is $4000 to grow our health and wellness yoga curriculums into under-represented communities!

We are sharing these funds with Magnolia Community Service Center for our differently-abled friends and V.I.B.R.A.N.T. program for our women and children impacted by gun and domestic violence.

Early Giving is now open - May 2nd:

Thank you all for once again keeping our programs alive over the last 5 yrs and surviving the Pandemic.

We love you and appreciate any al all support you are able to offer and share.

Visit our website to read more about these incredible organizations.

Check out the event here:

Make a Donation…

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to be a part of making a difference but don’t know where to begin…

To be a part of something more. Or maybe you want to share how your yoga and wellness journey transformed you and you want to tell your story online.

No matter what it is that moves you to be a changemaker, your generous contributions not only enrich and inspire, but they make all the difference in the lives this collective touches.

Join us this May 2nd for Give Nola Day of Philanthropy as we cOMe together to raise $4000 to support JBYF, V.I.B.R.A.N.T, and Magnolia Community Service Center.


10 Ways You Can Be A

Changemaker this Give Nola Day

Jai Bhakti Yoga Foundation focuses on reducing healthcare costs by improving the well-being of underserved, disadvantaged, low-income, and minority (BIPOC) communities through our program offerings such as V.I.B.R.A.N.T, Yoga, Ayurveda Health Consulting, Teacher Training, mentoring, meditation, immersion retreats, and wellness practices that will improve mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness while reducing the use of pharmaceutical treatments to encourage a natural approach to enrich, restore, and save lives. 

We provide these services for free, funded by donations, grants, and contributions from our paid programs to promote a better quality of life, empowerment, and confidence in the totality of health for all.

This Year we have a HUGE goal to raise $180,000 to support V.I.B.R.A.N.T for our women and children victims of gun and domestic violence in New Orleans, LA.



Put the FUN back in FUNdraising…

Encourage your staff, business, family, and friends to raise $5,000, $10,000, or $20,000 and earn some incredible perks for doing so.

All you need to do is raise the respective amount to win a free trip to Costa Rica for you, your friends, and your family.

All details are below.

Other Ways You Can Support:

1. Create a Facebook fundraiser with any goal amount to Raise funds for Jai Bhakti Yoga Foundation. The person who raises the most will win a special gift.

2. Donate ahead of time via PayPal any amount your heart desires

3. Venmo @jaibhaktiyoga any amount to be applied to your giving goal.

4. Become a sustainable monthly member @ $39 a month (Goal is for 200 members in 2023) USE: JBY20 to lock in 20% OFF for the life of your membership.

Trip to Costa Rica Requirements:         

- Raise $5,000 and win a 3-day weekend trip with a roundtrip flight to Costa Rica included for USA residents.

          - Raise $10,000 and win a 5-day trip with roundtrip flights to Costa Rica included for USA residents. 

          -  Raise $20,000 and win a 5-day trip for 2 with roundtrip flights to Costa Rica included for USA residents. 

You may create your Peer to Peer fundraiser however you like, be it on Facebook, Instagram, or however you wish to raise them.


**Businesses and studios are able to participate in a group fundraiser.

Official Contest Rules… (The “Fine Print”)

  1. JBYF has the right to change the dates and/or the terms of the contest at any time without giving prior notice.

  2. This fundraiser contest is to conclude at 11:59 pm on November 27th for Giving Tuesday.

  3. Participants can win multiple times but an individual or business can only win 1 trip a quarter per fundraiser contest.

    1. All winners must redeem their trip within the year the trip was won.

    2. The winner will either join a future planned JBYF Costa Rica trip or enjoy their own time away without affiliation to a retreat.

  4. All winners will be contacted by JBYF to be notified of their winnings.

    1. JBYF will reach out to winners within 48 hours of the respective contest deadline.

    2. If the winner does not respond to JBYF within 72 hours after being contacted, the winner will be disqualified and unable to redeem their prize.

  5. USA Flight, Hotel accommodation, and transport to and from the hotel from the airport are included.

    1. USA residents only**

    2. Must be 18 years old to win. If the Winner plans to bring a minor, Jai Bhakti Yoga Foundation does not accept responsibility for the minor. The minor becomes the Winner’s sole responsibility while attending the trip.

    3. Winners must have a valid passport. Passports must be valid for 6 months after the Winner's return flight date.

  6. If the winner is unable to attend the trip, the trip may be transferred to someone else prior to the purchase of airfare. If the airfare has already been purchased, the winner will be responsible for all fees, costs, and taxes to make any transfers or changes.

  7. Not Included: 

    1. Additional expenses such as transport around Costa Rica will be the winner's responsibility. 

    2. Any food outside of what is included at the hotel is the responsibility of the winning party.

    3. Excursions and Spa services are the responsibility of the winning party.

    4. Spending cash is not included.

  8. JBYF is not responsible for losses, damages, or illegal activity and behaviors by the party 

    1. Marijuana and drug use - I do know many retreaters tend to either use marijuana medicinally or for recreation use. Montezuma, Costa Rica is widely known for its marijuana and drug use so I am not going to hide that and want you all to be aware. Many of the local artisans will offer you some, sell you some, or encourage you to try some. This is entirely up to your own discretion.  JBYF, Christina Andrini, nor any of JBYF affiliates,  partners, merchants, volunteers, employees, and the like, will not be held responsible if you are caught engaging in, partaking, selling, or distributing, marijuana or any other illegal drugs. The property, country, and retreat do not permit drugs anywhere on its grounds, in its rooms, or on balconies. You are entirely responsible for your marijuana or drug use and are free to make your own choices. Should you be detained by the local authorities, you will be responsible for your legal services and respective responsibilities. JBYF, Christina Andrini, or any of JBYF affiliates, partners, merchants, volunteers, employees, and the like, will contact your emergency contact to further handle your matters. The rest of the matters will reside in your hands. When life gives you choices, choose better. 

  9. Travel insurance is highly recommended. Travel insurance is not included in the Winner’s package.

  10.  Winners are responsible for any taxes, both state and federal, regarding their winnings.

    1. Examples of taxes for this winning include, but are not limited to, airfare taxes and Costa Rica hotel taxes.

  11.  By accepting the trip, the winner will release the following information to JBYF:

    1. Names, addresses, and passport information for all individuals attending the trip. This information will be used for securing their reservations for airfare and the hotel.

    2. Names and social media handles to celebrate their win with the JBYF community and for additional promotional purposes. 

      1. No additional compensation will be awarded for any content used for promotional purposes.

      2. If a winner does not wish to release their information for promotional purposes, the winner should notify JBYF in writing within 24 hours of accepting the trip.

  12.  The COVID-19 information is changing rapidly. The affiliated hotel will provide tests 72 hours prior to the winner’s departure. This is NOT included in the cost of your trip and you will have to pay extra for it. If you plan to stay longer, you WILL need to make the necessary arrangements at your cost to include your tests.

  13. You are required to fill out the Passport De Salud which is a health assessment you will need to show upon arriving in Costa Rica. Please be sure to do this prior to leaving the USA as you will NOT be able to leave the US or enter Costa Rica without it. This is YOUR responsibility and you MUST do this. Failure to do this will result in holding the plane up for everyone on it, causing them to miss connecting flights and we DO NOT want to inconvenience anyone. This is the link to use to get your “QR” code prior to check-in at your local departure airport. 

  14. Please do not put us in this position. Use this link to fill it out:

  15. Marijuana and drug use - many retreaters tend to either use marijuana medicinally or for recreation use. Montezuma, Costa Rica is widely known for its marijuana and drug use so we are not going to hide that and want you all to be aware. Many of the local artisans will offer you some, sell you some, or encourage you to try some. This is entirely up to your own discretion. JBYF, Christina Andrini, nor any of JBYF affiliates, partners, merchants, volunteers, employees, and the like, will not be held responsible if you are caught engaging in, partaking, selling, or distributing, marijuana or any other illegal drugs. The property, country, and retreat do not permit drugs anywhere on its grounds, in its rooms, or on balconies. You are entirely responsible for your marijuana or drug use and are free to make your own choices. Should you be detained by the local authorities, you will be responsible for your legal services and respective responsibilities. JBYF, Christina Andrini, or any of JBYF affiliates, partners, merchants, volunteers, employees, and the like, will contact your emergency contact to further handle your matters. The rest of the matters will reside in your hands. When life gives you choices, choose better.