The Whole Journey is the Full Potential

The four main levels of nature that have been discovered by physics are found in structured layers from macroscopic to microscopic which may be studied through classical physics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and the unified field known as Super-Unified. 

Within each of those layers, exists different laws, mathematics, different logic, and systems that govern their fundamental existence.  All the layers of modern physics, with all its various laws of governing, and mathematics come together successfully as superstring theory, which brings the expansion and contraction (like a rubber band) of all the systems infused within each experience harmoniously.

Like a lava lamp of effervescent loops or bubbles or as Dr.Hagelin, professor and Dean of MIU mentions, originating from the "ocean of unbounded, absolute silence" that governs the laws of nature. The photon is the Particle of Light or the physiology, radioactivity, energy, nuclear force, glue, strength, and lastly gravity. These are the first to emerge from the unified field. 

So why do I speak on this scientific aspect of consciousness?

“To Infinity and Beyond”  - Buzz Lightyear

The relationship between the unified field and consciousness according to Dr. Hagelin is “the basis of mind and matter. What scientists call ‘infinity beyond comprehension is what physicists call the unified field.” and that “awareness expands to the infinite, in the state of Samadhi, pure consciousness, what mathematicians call infinity beyond comprehension, unbounded awareness.” 

Super Unified field of consciousness from physics in relation to attaining Pure Consciousness through TM, where we, according to Dr. Hagelin,  "see with the mind from superficial to profound" through the subjective lens were in and of themselves, is a marriage of unifying the subjective with the objective and discovering the union on the basis of mind and matter where the senses can not reach, and "where diversity melts into unity at deeper levels of reality." 

I appreciate seeing Yoga Sutra 1.2, 'Yoga is the complete settling of the activity of the mind'. Dr. Hagelin mentions yoga and TM practice, as when we experience the practice of TM, it brings us to the seed source of the total potential.

In TM, we go beyond the intellect, beyond the intelligence of one’s conscious mind to the subtlest level of the unbound absolute, unchanging, seed of undifferentiated awareness. Dr. Hagelin’s model ( which is a chart that expresses the pure unified field or unmanifest and expresses the manifest in its process), reminds me of the layers of the Koshas.

 Although not specifically categorizing any subtle body within a specific law of nature, but in relation to why I agree.

The Koshas:

  • Anamaya, the food layer, surface Newtonian, Brick, and Mortar layer of the smallest bits that make up the physiology,   followed by:

  • Pranamaya is the life force or photons, particles of the light source, the quantum mechanics that breathe life into our existence, integrating with 
  • Manomaya, ‘Man’- meaning mind in Sanskrit, that governs the subtler layers of the mind, emotions, and discernment and is the storehouse of impressions, relating to the "I"-ness through the seed of creation of karma, where the quantum field theory resides. 

    • “The worlds within the worlds within the worlds,” as Dr.Hagelin states. “It is as different as the dreaming world is from the waking world.”  

    • Vijnamaya is the layer associated with the transcendent level of going beyond the intellect and the intelligence of yourself. Beyond the conscious mind. The form maintains the balance between all the cells. Ascending to 

  • Anandamaya is the bliss, unbound, seed of creation or the cosmic consciousness that equates to a bliss body or attaining higher states

    • Anandamaya, “In the meditative state the individual awareness has expanded to become universal awareness.” as Dr. John Hagelin states. 

    • The state of loving for no reason. The state of pure, unbound consciousness.

 Through yoga and TM, we absolutely have the ability to tap into this unified field of consciousness. Therefore, Yes, in a nutshell, I agree with Dr.Hagelin’s model and can see the value of how important having a daily meditation and asana practice can be for any individual going through major shifts and transitions in life. 

One with Being 

Words to Express Transcendental Consciousness 






 Stepping into the ocean, where feet may fail. Beneath the waves, immersed in a peace that surpasses all understanding, unbounded, limitless-

colorless yet vibrant, humble yet regal. Taken deeper without Borders, Spirit leads me wherever called, discovering the eternal truth dwelling within

"Know power, know peace" -Joyce Meyers

K.F’s experience, “I was in a state of Being, steady and expanded. I know that my purpose in life was larger than the specific goal I cherished as my own. I was in a new state of consciousness.” (Invincible America Course 2013 United States)

 My altered state of consciousness, Needs no external Enhancements, Put these leaves in my tea, and build my Chi while they steep.  “My ancestral protection got me traveling dimensions, with no limitations, that’s when I’m meditating, vibrating at the frequency of life." as Yahweh expresses in his song ELOHIM. 

 Guided by my ancestors, eyes wide open although physically Closed, illuminated by the light manifesting within the eye of all Seeing.

The eye of the soul, Got my chakras manifesting, while my Self is liberation.

 “the waking that met me there.” (14th-century INDIA) - Lal Ded

The waking that led. 

 Embraces all-loving, all-knowing, Pura Vida


The magic never ends. “unuttered harmony That I could never dream till earth was lost to me.” (1818-1848, ENGLAND) - Emily Bronte, 

When in TM, unaware but aware, waking, dreaming, sleeping… what is real and what is fake? I’m dreaming way more lucid than any other human, in any other state. - Yahweh

Like breaking out of the cage, that was open all the while, Released of all trials.

 “losing much by imprisonment in any form of speech,..." (1846-1916 United States)  Hamilton Wright Mabie’s 

I’ve entered heaven, which has always been on earth, detached from a witness, united with the spirit

A vessel -

Timeless- in cosmic creation.

The intersection of messenger, living out the dharma, my karma, for this lifetime. “My soul at once becomes recollected and I enter the state of quiet or that of rapture so that I can use none of my faculties and senses…..when I have thought the soul to be lost, I have found that it is enjoying great benefit…” Teresa of Avila (1515-1582 SPAIN). 

As I sit in meditation or about to cross worlds, I listen...

Surrender, allow all to flow.

Seeking the highest first

Open to grace.

Divine. There is no race

The seed of my soul rests, unchanged/ unbothered by any test. Purified by the ocean of bliss, experienced in navigating love, pure, and whole. 

Consciousness, Pura Vida, Pure life. Divine kiss.

United in Bliss. 


Putting a structure to sharing experiences is like putting boundaries on the boundless.

“The basis of wisdom is consciousness because that is Being. The omnipresent of life, all-permeating, all-pervading and on that level one can be all-wise all-knowing.” - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 

I have crossed:

from the external to the internal 

which led me to the eternal 

One in Being

Eternally with Thee 


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. (2001). Science of Being and art of living. New York: Plume Publications. [Original work published 1963] 

Pearson, C. (2016). The Supreme Awakening: Experiences of enlightenment throughout time –and how you can cultivate them. Organic Pears Press, Fairfield Iowa, USA.Travis, F.

Yahweh - ELOHIM Sound Cloud Yahweh- Magician

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Thank you very much and live well. 


The Relationship Between Consciousness and Health through Ayurveda


From Empty to Full: Embracing God Consciousness through Higher States Part 2 of 2